The items detailed on this page can be finished in many different colours - have a look around our website for ideas.
All items are entirely hand made by ourselves, made to measure.
They can also be custom carved - please go to our ordering page for help on how to order customisation -
Snatch club patch & in-situ on leader's Harley
Double Bike paniers laced together with leather thong so that width can be adjusted. Fastened with buckled straps
Size - 12" high x approx 10" wide x 5" deep ( 3" version also available)
Plain £175
Can be carved
Carved name patch - approx £1 per letter + leather cost
Hand carved belt
Made to allow buckle to be changed
Fastens with chicago screws
Guards plain & simple or have them carved or shaped
Single, plain, from £20
Wristguard, double buckle brace
From £20
Bike bags, various styles, sizes
& don't forget they can be carved or stamped
From £50
Why be boring? Any Colour! or Colours - use your imagination
& remember any design can be carved
Hair sleeve. This one is simply laced, used in our re-enactment group. Change the colour of the laces, use cord, thong or ribbon.
Has a hook at the top to hook over hair elastic to secure.
Alternative style - press studs to close instead of laces.
Any length, or colour of sleeve
For bike riders - keeps your hair from getting so tangled!!
Steampunk look - could be made with lace hooks instead of holes. Have a steam punk design on the leather
From £10